Monday 4 February 2013

New Google Algo Updates for SEO in January 2013

Google updates are always excited for webmasters. We have seen various noticeable Google updates for SEO in January 2013. Google search have not been stable from last couple of weeks due to changes in Google Algorithm. January was really interesting month for webmasters. They can see various changes in search results affected by Google updates.  

SEO updates in January 2013 are as following:

1) 17 January 2013 Effective changes in Google search results:

Google has recently set up one more big update for webmasters. This is most important blow by Google which is bigger than any other previous Google update including Panda and Penguin. There are more than 70% webmasters which are being affected by this Google update on 17 January 2013. We are still not sure about this update. Google has not yet announced officially about this update. Many websites lost their rankings in SERP's by this un-officially update. SEO companies are still trying to overcome their project ranking by updating their working processes. 

2) 22 January 2013 Google Panda #24 Update:

Google has officially announced Google Panda Algorithm update on 22 January 2013 after one of the major unofficial Google update. This panda refresh is the 24 version since it began in 2011. It is well known by webmasters that panda primarily affects those websites which have low quality content. This panda refresh has 1.2% of noticeable impact on English based queries.
3) Google Image Search Update: 

Google has rolled out an Image search update for users to get images faster, smarter and easier. This update is helpful for users to get more details about images. Google has increased the quality results for image searches by including detailed description of the image along with a high resolution version of the image. Webmasters are also noticed a decline in CTR from image searches. It can make easier for users to go through multiple images on the existing system rather than which requires many clicks and closing windows to go back and select a new image. 

See how Image search results are visible
Google Image Search Results

4) Google Page Rank Update:

Google also updated it's page rank algorithm on 25 January 2013. It is the first Google Page Rank Update of 2013. It does not have major impacts on websites according to webmasters and the changes have been seen on fewer websites only. There are only small number of websites affected by this update which having more or less 4-5 page rank.

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