Monday 28 January 2013

How to Markup content for Google Rich Snippets

There is a lots of discussions in the SEO related to Rich Snippets. It is easy to markup your page content for Rich Snippets. There are three markup formats to markup content for Rich Snippets. The ways are as following:

1) Microdata
2) Microformats
3) RDFa


Major search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, Bing etc. use this markup format to improve the search results. Microdata is a suggested markup format for GoogleRich Snippets by Google itself. You should use microdata format to apply rich snippets. It is a quality feature of HTML5 which provides way for embedding markup into HTML documents. Microdata is very helpful for web crawlers to understand the information containing a web page. It can become a rich browsing experience for searchers or users in getting more relevant search results. You can understand microdata as an example. If you want to create a microdata to describe a person, then there are various basic properties to define microdata as:

·         Name: It includes your full name.

·         Photo: It is important to have Google plus account and a human photo to apply for Google Rich Snippets. It is a link to a photo or picture of you. Google will not show a product image. The photo must be of a human.

·         URL: This is link to a site associated with you includes Google Profiles or Webblogs. 

You can markup your content for various things including Marking up People, Organizations, Events, Music, Reviews, Recipes, Software, Breadcrumbs etc.


Microformats are another type of format to markup content for Rich Snippets. This format is simple and used to describe additional information of a web page like an event, review, and about a person etc. Microformats generally assign brief and expressive names to entities and their properties. You can understand by an example containing basic contact information for Ajay Choudhary.

   <img src="" />
   <strong>Ajay Choudhary</strong>
   Internet Marketer and SEO Expert.
   120 Main St
   Jaipur, Sanganer 302029


It is third type of Markup format for Rich Snippets. You can increase the chances of your site in getting more visits by increasing the click through rate(CTR). It is a way to express specific type of information about people, reviews and their products etc. 

In RDFa you can generally use simple attributes in XHTML tags and can assign additional information for which you want either person, people or their products. You can understand by the following example as:

My name is Ajay Choudhary but people call me Ajju. Here is my home page:
I live in Jaipur, and work as an freelancer.
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How to apply Google Rich Snippets to search results

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